PILOT – Improving Workplace Morale and Motivation

Resource Type
Research Project
Innovation Research Interchange
Culture, Leading Innovation Organizations, Talent Management
Associated Event
Research Project

Initiated: Fall 2022

Expected completion: Spring 2023

Latest Update

Next event: Contact Matt Dorocak to learn more.

To learn more, contact Matt Dorocak.

Value proposition:

The COVID-19 pandemic, so-called ‘Great Resignation’, and supply chain issues have led to significant changes in the day-to-day work of innovation and R&D practitioners. Morale is always a key concern for management, but these changes have in some cases had a huge impact on how employees feel about their roles and their ability to function in them.

This IRI research project aims identify best practices in improving R&D workplace morale and motivation.


October 2022Kickoff webinar.

Discussed what the biggest challenges members are currently facing.
December 2022Roundtable discussion #1
This discussion will focus on the challenges surrounding the needs and perceptions of staff who are required to work at the facility versus those that can work remotely.
January 2023Roundtable discussion #2
This will focus on how managers convey the importance of innovation under challenging circumstances, and what concrete cultural or communication policies are in place to foster innovation.
Spring 2023Whitepaper of findings published.

Anticipated deliverables:

The IRI staff will share their findings through a whitepaper.

Project leaders:

IRI Staff with members participating throughout the project.